Michael Brynntrup

Michael Brynntrup, born 1959, studied philosophy and art history. He received a Master’s degree in “Fine Arts” (Meisterschüler) in 1991. He has been living in Berlin since 1982. Since 1980, Brynntrup has produced installations, performances, over 70 experimental short films and videos, as well as four feature films.

He has had film exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art New York, and has held 17 premieres at Berlin Film Festival since 1984. He has received numerous film awards and solo presentations at international film and media art festivals. Since 2006, he is Professor for Film/Video at Braunschweig University of Art.


Michael Brynntrup 生于1959 年。大学期间主修哲学和艺术史。1991 年他获得艺术学硕士学位,1982 年至今他一直生活在柏林。1980 年起Brynntrup 创作了各类装置、行为、70 部实验短片和录像,以及四部长片。他的作品曾在纽约现代艺术博物馆展出,自1984 年以来,他有17 部作品参加柏林电影节首映。Brynntrup 在多个国际电影和媒体艺术节上获得奖项。2006 起他担任不伦瑞克艺术学院电影/影像工作室教授。

Ulu Braun

John Butler

Chiu Chen-Hung

Sam Cooke

Katarzyna Gondek

Constantin Hartenstein

Juliana Höschlova


Jonathan Monaghan


Jiawei Ning

JieJie Ng

Stefan Panhans

Li Ran

Franz Reimer

Julia Charlotte Richter

Studio Kalleinen

Tao Hui

Rizki Resa Utama

Alan Warburton

Clemens Wilhelm

Elizabeth Wurst

Tobias Yves Zintel